Saturday, March 19, 2011

I went to jail for showing off my goods (and they are, goods). Is justice dead?

i think it is safe to say that a civil society would not tolerate the headline written as it appears in the newspaper article above. How about this for a headline..."Homicidal, Crazy, Stupid Son-of-a-Bitch - who should now be put jail for the rest of his miserable life - attemped to murder an innocent squirrel family as they got ready to sit down for a quiet evening."? Or no, let me guess, somehow this was all the squirrel's fault...yeah, sure, the squirrel-smoker was "nerve wracked" so, "displacing" a squirrel family is all okay? You people disgust me; time for you all to take long look in the mirror and accept a little responsibility for this world you propagate with blame and disease. Where is the outrage? Don't look around, look within. And now tell me, where is the outrage?

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