Wednesday, March 2, 2011


OMG this is priceless... jimmywrites 28FEB2011. Your pointless ramblings have only become more pointless since you last posted, who knew that "more pointless" was even possible? Me! Because I believed in you jimmy. You are back, and so am I. Thank you jimmy. And, BTW, I can see in your backyard and you are not building a rocket...jimmywrites 1MAR2011. So is that your attempt at metaphor? You brilliant wart. And I was going to make fun of your tax trouble, but I had a bit of that myself, about we start from there? A new beginning from common ground. A new beginning. All this love in the air makes me feel tingly in my dingly. WooHoo! Welcome back jimmy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Squirrel's banner still states, "I write crap for idiots" yet it doesn't seem like crap. Squirrel speaks to the true essence of the realization of the spiritual self. Then again, maybe the spiritual self is crap.