Tuesday, February 17, 2015

here we go again, can't I even go out for groceries without being subjected to speciesism?

People...again, if you don't brake for a squirrel, any squirrel, you are a homicidal manic and potentially a murderer.  So, congratulations on your grand moral declaration that you choose not to attempt murder. You are so happy with, and proud of, yourself that you drive around with this displayed as if...I can't continue with this post.  I'm too disgusted.  Hopeless.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

i am in therapy for my issues, but that's doesn't mean they aren't real

Happy Valentines Day, nimrods.  And I don't mean nimrods, as defined as, mighty hunters; and I wouldn't have to explain that if you weren't nimrods.  My therapist says that I love you all, I just don't know how to deal with that emotion, so I suppress it and then redirect the suppressed and confused emotion as venomous anger.  I explain this so that I have a documented and published mental illness alibi as I take careful aim, with my crap cannon, at jimmy's stupid dog...EAT CRAP YOU FOUR-LEGGED SATAN'S LAPDOG...literally. Boom.

Friday, February 13, 2015

you could probably call this a rant, but you probably don't know this from your arse

In marketing and advertising circles, a lot is made of children's limitless imagination, and I just don't believe it.  Children are just as dim as their parents.  The children simply lack enough real world experience to cement prejudice.  That is their only gift.  I want my crap cannon.  Jerks.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Garage Door Metaphor - Squirrelstyle

I do like to leave my garage door open.
I do like to wear tight shorts.
Both for the same reason.
Why not give everyone a peek at the junk?