This is screen shot my accountant sent me from my squirrelwrites storefront - today. Have I failed to mention that you all suck? Apparently telling potential customers they suck is not a "call to action." I got a B+ in my Marketing 101 class at community college so you should figure I pretty much know all there is to know about selling you stuff you don't know you need...yet! See how I did that? (the question mark is rhetorical, dumbass, I'm gonna tell you...) I drew you in, and then...Whammo! That's marketing. BTW, a B+ was the top grade in my class (bell curve? - my cold furry ass) and I could have gotten into marketing as a profession, but instead, I saw a brighter future in peeing on stuff, and here we are. Anyway whether you grease traps buy anything or not, my marketing skills are unparalleled, and I refuse to let my talent wither (that's a line I once used on mrs. squirrel). So, I am about to unveil a squirrelwrites based charity-like program to potentially help out my friend cardin
I'm crackin' up. Thanks man.
Squirrel may come easy in the springtime but he certainly doesn't come often. It has been more than a month since we have been blessed with his wisdom!
Do ya think maybe Jimmy could get off his lazy, good fo' nothin' butt and talk to Mrs. Squirrel or maybe her sister? Maybe they have something to say.
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