Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i had to smoke

look, I got a little off track and had to take Monday to smoke, smoke, smoke that cigarette. After a couple of drags, I felt better and got all nostalgic about my old telephone pole (hence yesterday's post). What I really wanted to do was launch my website yesterday, but now my "New York Pro Bono Ad Agency" has encountered some legal problems, and one of the clothing models (there is clothing involved with my store) claims I made inappropriate advances, which would be hard to do from prison (bitch), and the launch is delayed another day, and that means - if I want to announce the launch tomorrow - no nicotine for my bloodstream. And I am just more than a little on edge. I swear I hate being addicted, but I just don't have the will power, on again, off again, cold turkey, lies to myself, its just a cigarette, I mean it's not crac

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