Monday, March 5, 2012

I guess I just care too much

Okay, turns out (thanks for the idiotic emails, you know who you are) - no one who reads this blog has a smart phone, or the ability to read a QR code. Wake up people, it is the new millennium - even unemployed squirrels have smart phones with QR code apps. Get one, Jethro. Anyway, I doubt any of you cheapskates will be buying the t-shirt anytime soon either, but in the interest of goodwill - here is what the QR code from the post earlier today decodes to read:

"Help! I am being held against my will by this woman and our children. They require me to spend 40+ hours per week laboring at a soul-devouring job to keep them in food and clothes. Please rescue me; however, understand that if you do liberate me, they become your responsibility."

Couldn't you imagine Dads all over this country displaying this code as a bonding display? I could, at least I could until I realized you all suck.


Anonymous said...

I used my smart phone but it couldn't recognize the QR off the monitor, or... Maybe Jimmy hacked your post and screwed with the image?

Listen, Squirrel, don't trust that lowlife Jimmy. Sometimes humans go bad, I mean really bad. Jimmy is one of them, maybe the worst. Other humans do love you, or dare I say worship you.

Keep the faith and watch your back.

Your pal,

jimmywrites said...

Dear Anonymous,
Mom, is that you? Even if the phone is smart, apparently they can still sell them to a dummy.

jimmywrites said...

Dear Anonymous,
Mom is that you? Even if the phone is smart, apparently it can still be sold to a dummy.
-jimmyresponds a second time with more accurate sentence structure.