Thursday, March 8, 2012

hang on loosely, please

Well, mrs. squirrel did get back to me about my son. She says she has proof, and photos, and did email them with me. I just don't know that I am ready to share them with you. I don't mean to be a tease. I don't make any money with hits on this blog - so what would be the point? I need to think this through. I need some time, alone. It's really windy tonight and the apartment is really rocking and rolling. I'm strapped in - for safety, not fun - but would it be so bad if I got blown out of this tree? Out of this life? Don't ever say to yourself, things can't get worse. They will. Maybe things get worse just to keep you aware that fate always has his hand on your nuts, and not in a good way, and not his gentle hand either, rather it is the one he exercises with that squeezey spring handle thing, that hand. Although, maybe fate is a woman; that would explain a lot.

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