Thursday, March 19, 2015


It isn't news, but jimmy embarrassed himself again - Re: Smooch.  jimmys lips are more like heaven's butthole than a dewdrop.  I cannot be bothered by jimmy any longer.  I have been spending quite a bit of time meditating and expressing my qi energy through Reiki healing (I have a certificate).  I am a pretty bad-ass healer now; but more important than healing others, I am personally breaking through to a new, higher level of metaphysical understanding.  From this new perspective, it is very clear to me that the rest of you are even less important than I had previously guessed.  hmm. om.
So, why am i blogging, you should ask.  I will most likely merge into a higher plane, leaving no earthly trace.  And it will probably happen soon, again, it just seems likely.  So, in what-remains-of the meantime, if you send me $20 and an extremely brief explanation of your malady, I will Reiki heal you of anything.  Hurry, I am about to be assimilated.

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