Thursday, February 23, 2012

So, it has been awhile since I posted my status. To catch you up... I took a job as a school teacher over the summer break.  School started.  I Got fired.  Good.  Idiots.  And I have been collecting unemployment ever since.  Good.  Since then, I have gotten more than a few emails (and the photo attached) from folks who seem to think I am taking government handouts and should be ashamed.  First of all, that is not me in the photo.  If it was a photo of a squirrel attached to the face of some a-hole handing out stale pretzels, with me putting a bad-ass beat-down on him, maybe me, but this is definitely NOT me.  
I need a nap.  I'll complain about you morons who think I should get a job, tomorrow.  If I feel like it.  

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