Thursday, April 28, 2011

if waistbands weren't meant to be violated, they wouldn't be stretchy

Since my last post, i have been having a bout with writer's block, and some other issues, and i noticed my pal/nemesis jimmy wasn't fairing too well himself. to catch you of my girlfriends was cleaning my attic, literally, and stumbled across a book about a vampire bunny. This news set me back. I stared at the cover for what felt like an entire writing career. I thought i was on the forefront of sweetly innocent bloodsucking damnation. Alas, no. Anyway, fast forward a few days and I am slouching toward a nap in my sweat stained lay-z-squirrel recliner with my paw awkwardly hiding under the waistband of my underwear, and i get a phone call. It is jimmy...(tbc)

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