Sunday, April 17, 2011

have not

Wow, I can't believe it is Friday already! Time is flying by like a screaming idiot with his head stuck out the window of a passing bullet train. Lucky for me, I am ready to WHOA! sorry, I just saw a snake. I hate snakes. What the hell!? I'll be right back...I just called animal control and they thought I wanted to get rid of a squirrel, then the whole conversation got really ugly. What a load of crap. I hate people. I changed my mind, the snake can stay, people have to go. On second thought, that was a little rash, the snake needs to go too. Where is my shovel? I gotta get out of here. If you didn't know me better, you might think this was yet another excuse so I can lie in bed counting arm hairs instead of working on my much anticipated trilogy. Now where was I?

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