Monday, July 29, 2013

God loves Me

Sorry faithful readers, but once again, I had given up on this blog.  (FYI - my "backrub" with the Latina princess ended up being a 30 year old Russian guy screaming and trying to wrap me up in the bedsheets to throw me outside.  Savages.)  As usual, it is jimmy's blog that gets me back to the keyboard.  But this time I actually sympathize with his dilemma regarding Heaven.  I look down at my beautiful furry arms typing away.  So soft. so perfect, and I assume God has made me in God's image and God's arms are just as furry, just as soft, just as perfect.  And I think about jimmy's hideous pink fur-less appendages and I know jimmy must understand that no God could love anything that ugly.  No wonder jimmy's connection with Heaven is blurred - he's not going.

1 comment:

wallyj Pastuszka said...

My girlfriend Jackie liked squirrels, whenever she visit me she would feed them with sunflowers seed that I had for the birds. I think she loved squirrels more than me. So I like the squirrel chucker in the video