Monday, January 14, 2013

Hibernation Journal 2013 - Entry #2

Just smile.


Anonymous said...

Happy St. Patrick's Day. Time to get your mojo aworkin'. Your ladies are waiting.

Anonymous said...

Squirrel, some of us are getting worried that your silence could be due to foul play. Rumor has it that Jimmy, (the slacker) has obtained a dog to do his dirty work. Be careful! You know Jimmy has always been jealous of your track record with the ladies. I think he is just a Squirrel-want-to-be.

Anonymous said...

Dear Squirrel,
I hope you had a delightful Easter Holiday. Again I caution you about Jimmy and his new dog. It is not the dog's fault, but do not trust Jimmy or his dog.
I think Jimmy had a troubled youth and is "acting out" in an unhealthy way. He clearly needs help. Perhaps a 2X4 up side the head?
Your fans would really like to hear from you as confirmation of your well being. Hearing of your "lady exploits" would also give us a thrill.

Anonymous said...

Having seen so many squirrels out and about some of us have been wondering how many more days before the arrival of "The Squirrel"

Most likely you have awaken from your long winter slumber and are out bothering the "ladies".

One would hope you would not forget nor neglect your loyal fan base

Sure we have other important and fun things to look forward to although at the moment I cannot think of any

Basically you are it

I mean have you tried to watch the garbage that passes for network TV

And sports? After high school it is all about the money

So what say you give a shout out (and soon, please make it soon) to those who care, to those who have supported you in and out of the "big house"

I'll keep checking every morning first thing and I know one time you will be there with something other than "Just Smile"

Anonymous said...

Golly Squirrel, it sure has been along time since we have heard from you. We understand that living next door to Jimmy can't be easy. We still hope you can find the time to send us a word or two. Not all humans are like Jimmy. Some of us really care. I know I am rambling but it is due to the emotional trumma of not knowing if you are alive or not. Please let us know.