Saturday, September 29, 2012

jimmy accuses squirrel of plagerism...

uh huh, right, headline news.  jimmy is upset, he can't write anything and has sunk to the new low of accusing me of stealing his writings (see comment section of previous post).  Sorry jimmy, no one believes you.  I didn't steal anything from you.  You wish you could write with the style, wit, and tempered genius that I apply to my prose.  Well, enough of entertaining jimmy's delusions.  
I have heard nothing from the wife of maybe-son in months.  I am out of work again...oh, I did notice, sorry, I did say I was done talking about jimmy, but just this one more thing...jimmy, i noticed a lot of empty liquor bottles in your recycling bin.  I know you haven't had any people over.  I know no one else in your family drinks liquor.  So, logic diagram...A + B = jimmy is killing himself slowly...uh huh, right, headline news.  poor rotten jimmy.


Anonymous said...


If you did NOT rummage through Jimmy's garbage and steal his story, as Jimmy has accused, then how would you know there were empty bottles

It appears Jimmy is right and you are a thief in the night

There goes your credibility

Some of us may be careful on believing what you say in the future

Shame on you

Anonymous said...

In Squirrel's defense: If one looks at the timeline of the alledged crimes, It is inconclusive at best. Jimmy's claim of plagarism was the morning of the 28th. The liquor bottles were not commented on until the Sept. 29. It should also be noted that seeing bottles in a recycling "bin" does not imply rummaging. If you consider Squirrel's lofty vantage point, he could easily spy the bottles while never getting close to the bin. It seems oh so easy for humans to slap blame on such a wonderful creature as Squirrel just because he has a disproportionately large wanger.