Wednesday, November 2, 2011

What I did last summer...none of your business

Let me catch you up on what I have been doing: avoiding everything. I wanted/needed the summer off. Off. But, I was out of money. So, I decided to be a teacher. I figured I fit the profile. I need a job, I want summer off. Teacher. I took the job. Well, summer ended. Fast forward to November 1st, I had already started my job as a literature teacher and I was sitting at the head of the classroom, and I had given the students one of my blog posts (the only literature worth the description) to read...and as I sat in that silent classroom today, staring out at the sea of little knobby heads that pass for a generation, the only noise I could hear was the large classroom clock. Tick Tock. It spoke to me with every lunge of the second hand. One - tick - more - tock - second - tick - gone - tock - forever. One - more - second - gone - forever. One - more.

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