Friday, April 24, 2009


Recently, I had the misfortune to read an unfortunately typical piece of ethnocentric tripe titled "Squirrel Physics" at - Here is my answer to that:
Why are the only two choices, moron or thrill seeker? How about this choice: mildly disabled hard working citizen who needed to get home to his family on the other side of the street while attempting to avoid car-driving idiots who spend time trying to write their lame blogs rather than paying attention to the road. jimmy is a self-absorbed pox on the community, and he better hope I never meet up with him because I will be all over him like a mushroom cloud over a desert test site in the 1950's... By the way, is anyone interested in a good price on a signed Marc Chagall lithograph? I'm thinking of replacing it with an original. Go to hell, jimmy.

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