I apologize to any loyal readers out there for not updating sooner. I had my hearing on Sept. 12th as scheduled. By a vote of 6 to 1, I was granted parole. Unfortunately, due to processing and bureaucracy, I cannot actually leave here (prison) until Sept. 18th. It has been explained to me what exactly "squirrel season" means. For those of you, like me, who thought it was an honor, it is not. I cannot even write of what it really means, I find it reprehensible and I fully expect to wake from this nightmare just to find it was all a silly sad dream. But I fear that what it truly is, is proof that my captors are barbarians capable of the most horrific behavior sanctioned by licensing and some sort of twisted specie-centric law. I fear for all of us, and the photo I posted represents the beauty of the natural world slowly blending into the dismal world of man, helpless and dead, the only way jimmy understands it. free to be hunted. free to be a butterfly on pavement. free in a world of fear. and I just want to make my friends laugh, really that is all I ever wanted. laughter and friends. jimmy, can you hear me?